Back in February of 2020 Livingston County passed the 2A Sanctuary County resolution and the liberals holding local office came unglued. We were surprised to find out how many there were, after all our county is over 70% republican. Unfortunately, we also saw some the republicans that were more worried about what their democrat colleagues thought of them. We were in an awful position, but at least we knew. Without much communication the other grassroots groups, everyone saw the clear picture too. It really didn't take a lot of coordination between groups, although things go smoother when there is communication. 2A Patriot worked with some of the candidates and started a precinct delegate drive, other groups did the same. The sum total of all of our efforts is that we changed enough of our local government to stabilize RED. It's still an ongoing process. This push to become a Constitutional County revealed a few cracks we need to fill. But Livingston County is becoming more and more hardened against liberal attacks.
Your county can too. There is hope. This is your home, your livelihood and your life; we all need to know about the people steering the ship!
Livingston - Constitutional County Resolution